“When we first heard of forBetter, we thought ‘this is too good to be true.’ Leading therapists providing online coaching at no cost? No email registration required? Instant access to all content? No attempts to upsell? We found it all to be true. In addition, we found the videos transformational. Thank you!”
Trent and Beth
White Bear Lake, MN
“We’re learning so much about ourselves, where we are in our relationship, and why. You can’t put a price on that!”
Mary and Jonas
Spokane, WA
“What a wonderful way to proactively spend time together without the expense of couples therapy. Thank you for offering this. The content of MARRIAGE in MOTION is incredibly rich. It is our real hope that forBetter changes the course of marriages for generations to come.”
Andrea and Ira
New York, NY
“My husband and I experienced a significant breakthrough. A pain-point we’d been struggling with for years was identified, addressed, and resolved.
The discovery occurred when we learned the difference between a “healthy complaint” and “unhealthy criticism”. That insight gave us the permission to have a candid conversation. It was much easier to share our thoughts and emotions honestly, to be more vulnerable, when our mutual goal was to “understand” rather than to “win”.
Through the insights and the guided conversation, we uncovered the source of our pain-point. Something I had said four years ago wounded my husband deeply. What I meant as a challenge to motivate, he heard as an ultimatum to change. That realization is what led to our breakthrough — to forgiveness, healing, and a new path forward for the future.
We’re now scheduling ‘study dates’ to work through the remaining lessons in anticipation of further transformation of our marriage forBetter.
Words can’t fully express our gratitude.”
Vanessa and David
St. Paul, MN
“We’ve been married for less than two years. While our marriage has been rewarding overall, there have been more times of tension and struggle than we’d like to admit.
Friends recommended MARRIAGE in MOTION. We watch one video each Sunday evening. We had some great conversations early in the course, but in Lesson Five, we took a surprising turn. That’s where we were introduced to the power of ‘yes, and’.
It’s true. When your partner says, ‘Yes, but…’ the typical knee-jerk response is to get defensive. However, ‘Yes, and….’ is disarming. It enables us to express our feelings while also overriding any impulse we might have had to defend — what moments before — we were committed to defend.
The suggestions in that video were so elegantly simple. Now when we see things differently, or come from different perspectives, the goal is no longer to be right, but to be understood.
Here’s to more breakthroughs forBetter in our marriage, and for countless marriages around the globe!”
Jodi and James
Sarasota, FL
“MARRIAGE in MOTION is filled with wisdom. Our discovery last night was about trust. For some reason we’ve always thought of trust as an absolute — either intact or broken. But seeing trust between partners as a bank account, where our behaviors are either deposits (trust-building) or withdrawals (trust-diminishing) was eye-opening.”
Charlie and Jen
Frisco, TX
“I love my wife like crazy. We have an amazing marriage. Still there’s been one area of our relationship where we’ve struggled – for years. It has to do with the frequency of our love-making. The sex we share is fulfilling for both of us. But the frequency with which my wife is satisfied, leaves me wanting more. For whatever reason, we’ve just never found an effective way to communicate our wants/needs/desires that didn’t leave one or both of us feeling frustrated, guilty, or rejected.
That is until now. The insights you shared in the communication module — that included ‘simply asking for what you need’ – enabled us to have a transformational conversation. We’ve been able to re-set frequency expectations and agree on guilt-free methods of asking, accepting, or declining sex. And it’s working. You have no idea what this breakthrough means to both of us.
Thank you for such an amazing home study. We pray that countless couples will be helped in big and small ways from their study and application of this course content.”
Names withheld by request
Virginia Beach, VA
“Think of it. We live in a different hemisphere than Zach and Laura. Still, they faithfully meet us in our home — every single week — at a time of our choosing. They are engaging, easy to follow, and willing to move at our pace. And it’s working? We’re building a stronger marriage. We’re enjoying a closer connection. We’re so grateful for this opportunity!”
Jill and John
North Island, Whangamata
New Zealand
“We've always thought we had a pretty good marriage. We wanted better, but didn't know how to get there. Until we were introduced to MARRIAGE in MOTION.
Early on in the study, we were challenged to consider how our young son might describe our marriage and our conflict style when he considers a marriage of his own one day. Would he describe us — the way we describe our parents?
Right away, that concept became a window into the depth, growth, and richness that awaited our marriage if we were willing to be intentional about strengthening our friendship.
And for us, it starts with small wins. Every. Single. Day. Resulting in big gains to enhance our foundation of friendship.
This course has been gold to us — in so many ways. Thank you for sharing the wealth of transformational content with us. It's made this marriage better.”
Names withheld by request
Stillwater, MN